You must read the message regarding software licenses in the Section called Third Party Software Licensing and Temporary Files in Chapter 1 before you install Windows NT 4.0 as a guest operating system in Bochs.
Here are the known issues about installing and running Windows NT4.0 :
at the moment, you can not use the LGPL VGABios to install Windows NT 4.0 (you'll get a black screen after first reboot). The solution is to use the Elpin VGABios.
to log in you must press ctrl-alt-del, and it is likely that the window manager will trap this key combination. You can either use the trick described in the Section called How to enter special key combination in Chapter 8 or define a user short-cut (callable through the user short-cut gui button) in you configuration file, for example:
user_shortcut: keys=ctrlaltdel |